Thursday, December 12, 2024

Read Aloud


Monday, November 25, 2024

Add Music to a PowerPoint Presentation

 To add music to a PowerPoint presentation that plays throughout the entire slideshow and set slide timings, you can do the following:

  1. Insert music: Select the Insert tab, then Audio, and then Audio on My PC. Select the music file you want to use, then click Insert. 
  2. Set music to play in background: With the audio object selected, open the Playback tab and select Play in Background. This will automatically start the audio file and play it across multiple slides. 
  3. Add slide timings: Click the Transitions tab, then under Advance Slide, check the After box. Enter the number of seconds you want each slide to display. 
  4. Apply timings to all slides: Click Apply To All. 
  5. Check Use Timings: Click the Slide Show tab and make sure Use Timings is checked. 
You can also record your own audio to add to your presentation. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

Free Video Recording of Your PC Screen

In Windows 11, you have to open the Game Bar interface to view and modify the shortcuts. The following shortcuts are ones you'll want to keep in mind:

  • Windows key+G: Open Xbox Game Bar.
  • Windows key+Alt+R: Start or stop recording.
  • Windows key+ Alt+G: Record the last 30 seconds of screen activity.
  • Windows key+Alt+B: Turn HDR on or off.
  • Windows key+Alt+PrtScn: Take a static screenshot of your screen activity.